Monday, February 11, 2013

7 Days to Successful Meal Planning: Day 4

Day 4: Keeping a list of your favorites. 

We all have our favorite recipes, the tried and true.  If you always have tacos on Tuesdays, there is no reason not to...put it on Tuesdays, less day you have to "really" plan a week.  We have favorites at our house as well.  Those that have the stamp of approval from the littles and those that have been asked to please not be made again.  For your convenience I will put a star on each recipe that my kids beg will be shocked...and trust me I am too sometimes. So when you see the little *, it will equal kid friendly.

Now, while we are talking about what to put on your menu, you will notice that most of the items that are listed on my meal plan are not going to contain any of the following:
  • grains
  • gluten
  • legumes
  • refined sugar
  • and only very occasionally will you find dairy
This being said will come to no surprise to those who know me well, but my family eats a diet known as "Paleo Nutrition".  We will ocassationally eat a "Primal Diet" and that being only different from Paleo based on that Primal Nutrition includes dairy and Paleo does not.  To learn more about Paleo Nutrition please click on the Paleo tab located at the top of your screen.  To learn more about the reasons behind my choices to eat this way please click on the tab About Me.

So let's get down and dirty...hee hee...let's make a plan for the week.  Refer to day 3 to see your mapped out schedule and let's begin.  My meal plan will consist of a maximum of two nights in a week of red meat.  Red meat sits in your belly and takes quite a while to digest.  It also isn't very friendly on the waist line.  The meals that I create focus on the maximum amount of veggies that I can cram into a meal without my children noticing and plenty of lean meats.  (Generally Turkey or Chicken.)  Don't be afraid to try new things either!  So for starters put the meals that take the longest on the nights that you have the most time to spend in the kitchen.  For the nights that life doesn't seem to have enough time to do a thing, a roast with loads of veggies in the crockpot will do!  Trust me, there is nothing better than coming home to the aroma of food being cooked in the crockpot, let alone hot and ready when you walk in the door!  So hop to it...see if you can come up with 7 full meals...

Before you do that, don't forget what we did on day 1!!!  Remember all of those items that are in your fridge and cupboards that need to be used up before they expire...try to come up with as many recipes that use up those ingredients first.

This will become easier as time passes and you have more experience.  If you like, use my weekly meal plan post for your family!  

Sunday, February 10, 2013

7 Days to Successful Meal Planning: Day 3

Day 3: What does your week look like?

I know what you're thinking, "Good grief lady!!!  It's day 3 and we still don't have a meal on the plan!" Relax...we're getting closer.  Day 3 is all about planning your week.  I'm guessing you or your family are busy.  Regardless if it's sports, extra curricular activities, hanging out with friends, late night work meetings...we all have things going on and generally these events are cram packed right during or around meal time.  I can't tell you how many times I have come home from work and thought, "Let's just go out, I don't feel like cooking tonight or don't have time".  Well, maybe you don't have to if you plan out your week.

Map out your calender to best reflect what is going on during your week.   Call me a bit old fashion, but I maintain a family calendar right on my refrigerator.  I really like to have it mapped out right in front of me in Grand Central Station, otherwise known as my kitchen.  However you keep your schedule or whereever you keep your schedule you need it for day 3.

In my home we generally eat at the same time each night give or take 30 minutes.  It tends to keep the munchkins happy that way.  So I plan my meals based on what we are doing each night.   If we are going to be eating out one night, I write it on the calendar. If it's going to be a night where I won't have enough time to even warm something up between work and wherever we're running off to, I mark it off as a crockpot meal.  I do this for each day to ensure that I have the adequate meal planned out with as little stress involved as possible.  This generally takes me less than 90 seconds.  So don't you worry, this isn't as time consuming as reading this post is! :)  I also try to anticipate one "large" meal and put it at the end of the week...this is my, "Just in Case We Have Company" meal.

There you have concludes day 3.  Know what you have going on during the week to plan accordingly.  You're not going to want to miss Day 4 as we're going to start putting food on your meal plan!

    Wednesday, February 6, 2013

    7 Days to Successful Meal Planning: Day 2

    Day 2: Organization

    If you completed Day 1, by taking inventory of your food, knowing what you have and ridding yourself of all those items that are unhealthy, expired, etc. you are all set to move into the organization stage of meal planning.  We are about to organize your cupboards, pantry, freezer, fridge, etc.  That's right...those pesky organization crazy ladies, I'm one of them.  I can't function if I don't have my pantry organized.  If it's canned and's going to be with the canned goods and tomato products. If it's a baking good such as almond flour and coconut flour they are gong to be found in the containers in my pantry.

    Just to show you that I am not just blowing smoke, I will show you the inside of our's tiny, minimal, and perfect for my needs.  It has been modified by adding little shelving units to give us some extra shelves, but it suits its purpose...and yes people, I don't keep much on hand.  If you decide to use my meal planning, you'll notice that most of this isn't even stuff I use...I maybe use a quarter of it, the rest I probably need to just toss or find a good home for...anyone eat beans? They are rarely, if ever used on my meal plan...and I could use these little containers much more appropriately for things that I do use.

    Maybe you're wondering where I found all my containers without spending a fortune?  I am a "Maxinista".  I love TJ Maxx!!!  I frequently shop their kitchen section for fun/practical reasonably priced storage containers.  And when I find what I want, I buy it...and buy it to what I plan on using it for.  These containers are perfect for stacking.  I try not to buy all the same as they fit much better and make for much easier stacking.  Stay away from bulky jars or from round containers.  These take up essential space.

    Next area, the one that I dread...the fridge.  This is pretty much what it looks like when it is almost grocery just never looks pretty.  I'll post what it looks like on a regular day coming up here soon!  But this is what it looks like. 

    Next, here are my liquids...oils and vinegars...and then last but not least, my spices.  My spice cabinet is a work in progress.  I'm too cheap to buy all matching glass bottles, but it's on the list.  Archer Farms spices are a little spendy, but as I do it one at a time I replace the plastic with the glass...and when I run out, I refill with spices I buy from the bulk supply.  (You can see those containers on my bottom shelf...I prefer when they come in plastic bags rather than containers because I know I pay more for those little containers.)

    So there you have it, nothing special, but organized and minimal.  I find it easiest to know what you have and where it is...this also helps when coming to planning your meals and creating your grocery list.  You're one step closer to creating a successful meal plan. 

    Tuesday, February 5, 2013

    7 Days to Successful Meal Planning: Day 1

    Day 1: Inventory Your Food

    Who knew it could take seven days to create a successful meal plan?  Well, in order to begin we really need to take a look at what you already have by taking an inventory  of your current food supply.  What's in those cupboards, pantries, fridge, freezer, etc?

    The most successful thing that you can do is to see what you have and build your meal plan off of what you already have in stock, as long as it is healthy.  As you continue this journey with me, I'll help you to decide what benefits your health and what doesn't.  I can promise you this though...if it comes in a box, such as Hamburger Helper and similar items, has lot of ingredients you are uncertain of, or contains artificial ingredients...let's just put those in the food pantry donation bag.  I'm sorry, but there is just no way that these items are going to make the cut.

    Start with your fridge...checked your condiments lately for expiration dates?  This usually is the best place to start.  I find this is where time slips by quickly and my condiments don't seem to be following suit.  Keep a wastebasket near, because if this isn't something that you do often you may be surprised. Check expiration on essentially everything, toss or keep? I keep a list of what needs to be used in what order (at this point it doesn't have much in it other than what's on the meal plan.) I try to use everything I can with maximum freshness in mind.  I also don't want anything to go to waste, remember...Mercedes Diet, Kia Budget.  So if you have something that's going to be going badly quickly, let's plan on using those up first.

    Know what you have and we'll see you tomorrow for Day 2 of 7 Days of Successful Meal Planning!!!

    Sunday, February 3, 2013

    Reading Your Produce Labels

    I have touched on shopping on a small budget and organic vs. non-organic; but, there is something that is very important before piling your carts full on non-organic, clean 15 products.  (see previous post for more information)  GMOs...dun, dun,dunnnnn....Genetically Modified Organisms.  It is no secret that pesticides are harmful, or that we can not genetically modify something without modifying it's consistency.  GMO's have been linked to some of the leading diseases in our country, effecting millions!!!  80% of our supermarket store shelves are made of Genetically Modified Organisms.  That only leaves us with 20% to shop from!!! I think that this is where the "Just By Organic" becomes an easy go to for individuals.  There is a lot less stress of wondering about the makeup of your food, and it's time saving for many of us, but not necessarily economical.  So how do I know what to buy?  What brands are not genetically modified?  How can I tell if my produce is?  How do I find enough time or knowledge to shop smart?

    Well that's what this blog post is for.  Making it easy on consumers with as little effort as possible while still selecting the best items at the lowest cost for our families and ourselves.  The website True Food Network is an excellent source for information and a one stop shop to get you most of the tools you need to successfully complete your grocery shopping list with the most nutrients possible for you and your loved ones.  So if you have a smart phone, I completely recommend getting it out right now and downloading their free app to your True Food Network, click on install, and tahdah!!!!

    Right at your finger tips you have one of the most excellent sources of information!!!  It comes complete with tips to grocery shop, what to buy and what not to...what brands use GMO's and who doesn't.  Guess what, it's not all organic!!!  ***Please note, there is nothing wrong with buying all organic if you can, but for those of us that aren't able too...this is for you!!!  So for those of you who don't have a smart phone, don't's not nearly as convenient, but...I posted a printable version for your review, The Shoppers Guide to GMOs!!!

    Okay, so now you have all of that information, but what about those little stickers on they tell you anything?  Oh yes they do, they are called a PLU number!!!! It's not just an inspection sticker like you find on products identifying the individual who inspected it, it is a formula for the educated shoppers like you and I...and here is how it works, it's as easy as 4, 8, 9:

    PLU Numbers on Produce Stickers:
    • Organic produce has a 5 digit PLU number that begins with the number 9.
    • Conventional produce has a 4 digit PLU number that begins with the number 4.
    • Genetically modified (GMO) produce has a 5 digit PLU number that begins with the number 8.

    The information posted below is a little cheat sheet full of fun facts if you're interested, it's bright, colorful, and full of useful information regarding GMOs:

    **The purpose of this blog is to help individuals looking to gain a healthy lifestyle by eating nutritional food items to be able to do so by using this as a guide.  It is intended to lay the foundation of meal planning, understanding how to grocery shop and collecting nutritional information for your review.  I'm not an advocate for anything other than a healthy lifestyle with healthy food choices.

    I appreciate all those who read my posts and am welcome to questions, comments, etc.

    Best of luck in the grocery isles by hopefully using this information!!!  Until next time, as I explore "7 Days to Successful Meal Planning!!!

    Saturday, February 2, 2013

    Eating a Mercedes Diet on a Kia Budget

    This is in no way a rip on Kia or a promotion for Mercedes, but wouldn't it be nice if we could all afford a Mercedes.  I look at groceries in the same way. There is Whole Foods and then there is Dollar General.  They both carry groceries.  So what's the difference?  Although both are groceries, just as Kia and Mercedes are both cars, they are very different from one another.  When looking at a car, they may appear to have a similar shell, paint color, trim, tires, but just because the exterior is similar, the make up from one to the next is very different in quality. 

    Let's take an apple as an example. Both are shiny red, a brown stem, and are grown on what's so different?

    LOTS!!!  To best describe the difference and it's health effects, Forbes released an article in 2012 titled, "Pesticides, Healthy Communities, and You".

    I'm trusting you checked out the article as it's a very short read...but what's my is this related to this blog post???  Well, when I think organic, I think in terms of purchasing a Mercedes...but how do I purchase a Mercedes on my Kia budget?  Let's face the music ladies and gentlemen, I am living on a Kia budget. (Again, if you drive a Kia, this is not a put down, just an analogy.)  Do you  purchase everything organic, even if it's not in your budget?   Do you need to purchase everything organic? Do you (meaning myself, and this is the most common question people ask me about healthy eating) purchase everything organic?  Well, the answer is "no"!

    My general rule of thumb is are you eating the skin or if it doesn't have skin, buy organic.  Now this doesn't apply to everything as farmers grow crops very differently from one crop to the next.  Some crops don't require any pesticides and on that note, if they did use pesticides it would completely devastate the entire crop...such as broccoli.  So do I buy those organic? Nope, remember...Kia budget...Mercedes diet.  So how do I know what to buy?  I follow my cheat sheet. perhaps you have heard of it, "The Dirty Dozen and the Clean 15".  Below are two examples:

    So, here it is, this is how I do Kia budget makes its first stop at Aldi's!  Yes that's right, I said Aldi's, and don't you forget your quarter...or you will be without a cart.  But don't get to hung up on that'll get it back as long as you return that cart...and you better because this is Kia budget...Mercedes diet.  As much as this sounds like the complete opposite of everything that I have already said, my local Aldi's usually carries about 50 - 80%, given the week, of everything that I put on my list to buy in the organic section!  Guess what, it even costs a fraction of what I would pay for it non-organic at my favorite stores to shop!!!  Trust me folks, I'm cashing in where I can, because I want to make sure I get the best bang for my grocery budget!!!  While you're there, make sure you check out the non-organic items on your "Clean 15" list, you wouldn't want to miss out on a good deal!

    So tip #1: you don't have to shop expensive to eat well by doing a little homework.  Watch your local grocery flyers and know your prices before leaving the house.
    Tip #2: It isn't necessary to eat everything organic.  Although some would and possibly will argue this tip...but remember, we are trying to eat a Mercedes diet on a Kia budget.
    Tip #3: Meal plan, so stay tuned and visit me again for "7 Days to Successful Meal Planning" right here!

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